A 2,300-acre luxury community in Leland, NC, Compass Pointe is home to the renowned namesake golf course: Compass Pointe Golf Club. Upon opening in 2016, the golf club made an immediate impact on the region, driving house sales in the community and delivering quality above and beyond other courses in the region.

Designed by North Carolina native and former President of the American Society of Golf Course Architects, Rick Robbins, the Compass Pointe Golf Club faced a number of significant challenges in its development. Battling widespread and irregular wetlands and unreliable on-site materials, Rick and his team turned to Profile Products.

Largely a community of retirees heading south, it was clear from the get-go that the golf course would be the key amenity for the community, making it critical to overcome the challenges posed during development. With the help of Profile Products, Rick and his team built a course that captures the natural beauty of the Carolina landscape and can stand up to harsh weather year-round.


Despite spectacular views and unique rolling hills that add stunning character to coastal Leland, NC, Compass Pointe faced a few challenges in course design. The site had close to 600-acres of scattered wetlands that followed an irregular pattern, leaving little choice when it came to shaping and planning the course. Engaging all of the jurisdiction agencies, Compass Pointe eventually managed to define those wetland areas, causing the course to shift and move in order to protect the wetlands.

Hills and wetlands aside, the biggest challenge facing Compass Pointe was one with significant financial implications: how to use materials found on site for construction of greens and bunkers to the greatest extent possible. Unfortunately, a soil test conducted by Profile Products regarding the usability of the on-site sand for greens construction revealed that the sand was too fine for use in its natural state. The tests showed that the ability for water and air to penetrate the soil would be very limited unless the sand was modified to have a more porous character.

At Profile, we are able to work with the architect, builder and superintendent to offer ‘in the ground’ and ‘on the ground’ solutions while providing extensive ‘by your side’ support

John Maeder
Golf course at twilight.
Golf course with trees.

The Solution

Using the sand available on-site was extremely important to Compass Pointe. Not only would this maintain the natural environment, but financially speaking the cost of buying greens mixed sand and hauling it to the property would take a toll on the project’s budget.

Having worked with Profile Products on several other projects, architect Rick Robbins immediately tapped into the expertise of the Profile team that conducted the soil test and relied heavily on Profile’s solutions to tackle the challenge ahead.

“Rick reached out to us to test the sand on the Compass Pointe site and develop a plan of action that would not only make financial sense, but also deliver quality results that improve maintenance in the long-term,” said John Maeder, Global Director of Golf at Profile.

Further testing from Profile revealed that the on-site sands found in certain areas could potentially be used for greens construction by amending their water holding characteristics by leveraging a mix of 90% sand and 10% Profile Greens Grade™️. By tilling this mixture down six inches, Profile’s solution delivered greens-grade quality sand at less than 20% of the cost of purchasing and hauling from off-site.

The Profile Porous Ceramic (PPC) particle found in Greens Grade is 74% pore space with 39% capillary (water) pores and 35% non-capillary (air) pores. Blended with sand in a greens mix, it can improve water and nutrient-holding capabilities, increase oxygen levels at the root zone, and facilitate drainage when soils are saturated.


The opening of the Golf Club delivered extreme value to Compass Pointe, giving the community greater credibility and directly impacting the sale of homes. Looking at sales from the years before the course to when the golf course was almost complete, the community saw a huge uptick from 50-60 sales per year to 140-150 lot sales per year. Now that the course is complete and fully established, sales are up to about 200 per year.

The solution provided by Profile not only delivered a substantial short-term financial benefit to Compass Pointe, but the quality of the greens has also had a positive impact on home sales and the greens boast ongoing maintenance benefits.

When hurricane Matthew came through on a Saturday, members at Compass Pointe were playing on Sunday, and off the path and in the fairways by Monday; the drainage afforded to the greens by Profile helps the club play faster and sooner than other area courses.

Our greens are absolutely perfect; they have no blemishes, they are as smooth as they can be, and they are causing the superintendent no problems whatsoever. The team is finding the greens really easy to maintain. We receive daily positive feedback from the members about the greens – they love it and want to play the course every day. That wouldn’t be the case without Profile. The solutions delivered by that team gives us high sandy soil that drains really well.

Rick Robbins
Golf course with a pond at twilight.


Rick Robbins, ASGCA, RLA
Robbins Golf Design, PLLC

The industry leader in soil modification and erosion control

Unparalleled golf course soil solutions for architects, builders and superintendents

Whether you’re constructing, renovating or maintaining a golf course, we’ll work hand-in-hand with your team to help select sands, perform root zone tests and recommend final root zone mixes so you can achieve outstanding turf results.